Saturday, September 6, was a classic fall day. Okay, so fall does not officially start for another couple weeks, but it sure feels like fall. The day started off with me doing some things around the house and yard - mowing the lawn, etc. And all the while I kept thinking this feels like a football weather - because I have spent many September Saturdays watching BYU football. What I really should have thought was, "this sure feels like a LOTOJA day". So in the afternoon I headed over to Alpine to see my friend, Karin - elite athlete extraordinare - participate in LOTOJA, the 206-mile bike race from LOgan TO JAckson. I got to see her ride into the feed stop at Alpine and then into the finish at Teton Village in Jackson Hole - she rode 130 miles - over a couple of mountain passes!!! Beautiful day...beautiful scenery!! Great race!! 
Karin riding into Alpine

Karin and her Dad (super-support-driver) at Alpine, getting ready for the last leg of the race from Alpine, up Snake River Canyon, and onto Teton Village.

About 50 yards from the finish line.
"Women United" riding into the finish
"Women United"

Linda and Karin - great job!!
And I also got to listen to my BYU Cougars beat the Washington Huskies, 28-27, while I was driving. Go Cougars!! I love fall !!!
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