Tuesday, October 28, 2008
And for me this last week, it was also another change in church callings - though somewhat subtle. We had stake conference this past weekend, and the stake Relief Society presidency was reorganized. So I was released as the 2nd counselor and am now the 1st counselor...that's the subtle part.
I have some mixed feelings about this. For the past six months I have served with Kaye, Bethene, and Bonnie. Bethene is the new president, and so I still have the privilege of serving with her. However, I am going to miss serving with Kaye and Bonnie. It kind of reminds me of in the mission field (yes, I can remember THAT LONG AGO) when it was a transfer day and your "old" comanion was going home...happy for them in their new endeavors and happy that you still were staying to serve, but knowing that you would miss them. And you are never the same because of them. So Kaye and Bonnie: Thank you for being such good friends, teachers, examples. I will never be the same because of you!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Girls Night Out
I ran into a friend, Michelle (Jensen) Martineau, at the Box Elder County Fair in August and we got talking about football - BYU football, Bear River football, etc. Well, I mentioned that I had been thinking of going to the BYU/USU football game on October 3 in Logan...and I needed someone to go with me. While we were discussing such important matters, a friend of hers, Jen Richardson, walked up and the three of us made plans to go. A "Girls Night Out", so to speak, as they both had to leave their husbands at home so us girls could go watch football! Go figure.
So Friday night was the night. I headed down to Tremonton and met up with Michelle and Jen, and rode together over to Logan. Of course we had to get a bite to eat before going to the game in Romney Stadium.Juniper Take Out is becoming a standard place for me to eat when I am in Logan...and that's where we ate. Yummy! Then it was up the hill to the game.
Michelle and Jen
Romney Stadium...
and we were NOT surrounded by Aggies. There were as many Cougars there as there were USU fans.
Me and Michelle
Before heading out of Logan - and to let the traffic thin out a bit - we headed over to the Aggie Creamery for ice cream. Yum!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Great Day in Salt Lake
For the last five months I have had the privilege of serving in the stake Relief Society presidency with Kaye Womack, Bethene Birch, and Bonnie Olaveson. They are not only my sisters in the gospel, but have become my dear friends.
Historically, with each general conference there have been workshops/open houses for the auxiliaries in the church. However, this practice was discontinued last year...and now the open houses are held only in conjunction with April conference. Although there are not any "official" open houses for this upcoming conference, we decided we wanted to make a trip to Salt Lake to visit the Relief Society building, have lunch at the Lion House, and then go tour the Humanitarian Center. So off we went on Wednesday morning.
Then it was on to the Resource Center, located on the lower level of the Relief Society building. There are displays for each of the auxiliaries in the church for women - Primary (girls under the age of 12), Young Women (girls ages 12-17), and Relief Society (for all women over the age of 18). Each auxiliary has a rug with a theme unique to their organization.
The Primary "CTR" rug - showing the CTR emblem in several languages.
The Young Women rug - with all the Value colors and subtle profiles of a young women.
The Relief Society rug - with a pattern of sheaves of wheat and the Relief Socity emblem
The Resource Center is amazing. There are numerous displays from various stakes throughout the church. Very inspiring and motivating.
Bonnie, Bethene, Kaye, and me
The Reception Room in the Relief Society Building is a very beautiful, peaceful place. It embodies the Spirit felt in this place. It was great to just sit here and enjoy the feeling.
After visiting the Relief Society Building, we headed over to the Lion House for lunch. Mmmmm. Good food, superb company, and a beautiful day! Then we left downtown SLC and we out for a tour of the Humanitarian Center.
The overall feeling I had was that I am so blessed to be a part of this great work - building up the Kingdom of God. What a privilege this is. But I also felt (especially as we visited the Humanitarian Center) that there is so much more I need to do.