The Big 5-0!!
So the highlight of February - and probably of the whole year - was that I had a "big" birthday. I turned FIFTY!!! A half-century. Old? Definitely Not. Middle-aged? Maybe. (I am older now than my mom was when I graduated from high scho0l. That's a sobering thought.) I only hope that my 50s are as good or better than my 40s. A celebration was in order...and I am going to make the entire year a celebration.
"Life's milestones warrant a party." ~ From a "Dear Abby" article titled "Turning 50 Beats the Alternative" appearing in the Deseret News on Feb. 9, 2010 (my 50th birthday)
It all started on February 4 - five days before the "big" day - when I went to lunch with, who I thought was only going to be, our Relief Society Presidency - Bethene, Shannon, and Laila - at one of my favorite places to eat, Garcia's. Much to my surprise it was just that - a "surprise" party. In all, there were 20 of us at lunch. Completely fun...and I am so blessed with amazingly great friends. Bethene, Shannon, Laila, Wanda, Meribeth, Presdee (my youngest friend at the lunch), Lori, Judy, Karen, Tori, Connie, Marie, Emily, Christy, Sue, Sherrie, Pam, Cachea, and last-but-not least, Brenda. Not just lunch, but two dozen roses, balloons, other nice gifts, and a scrapbook of sweet birthday greetings from those at lunch and some who couldn't make it. I was amazed!! I still am.
With my birthday being on Tuesday, it was only appropriate to make it a four-day-weekend. (I mean, really, how often do you turn 50?!?!) On Monday I was headed up to West Yellowstone to spend the night. Just me. Some solitary time. What I wanted. As usual, if the opportunity arises that I can stop at Harriman to ski I will take it. That's just what I did. (Have I ever said this is my FAVORITE place to XC ski!!) The completely awesome thing was that I was the only person there skiing!!

On Wednesday I arrived back at the office to this...
I guess it's only appropriate that I got ribbed a bit...and given some products to help me in my aging!